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Febuary Ritual: How to Create, Nurture, and Give Compassion to Yourself & Others.

Febuary Ritual: How to Create, Nurture, and Give Compassion to Yourself & Others.

This Month's Ritual: Affirmations for Compassion

One of the most apparent gifts on Valentine's Day is love letters. We invite you to check our first video of our carefully crafted affirmations to ignite compassion within and bring it outward toward others. Not in the mood for video, we have a one pager of the affirmations for you to screen-grab to practice for later: here.

February brings up themes of total devotion or destruction. Whether to people, habits, or things, it can leave us with so much highness and emptiness. So, how do we create, nurture, and give compassion in self-care aside from the romance February brings with the national holiday of Valentine's Day? 

The Stats

Interestingly, surveys show that most people feel stressed or negatively associated with the nationwide holiday, Valentine's Day, in the US. Here at Feels Familiar, we invite you to be part of a new vibe for this Valentine's Day: live compassionately through your words and intentions.

 What is Compassion?

Compassion is awareness of where there is a lack of love. Compassion comes from within. From your relationship with yourself, you create compassion. Compassion can manifest in various ways, such as intentions or actions. To assemble compassion, you must trust your intentions.

For Thought:

Questions to consider: 

  1. When you show self-love to yourself, you do the things that help you be the best version of yourself. How do you show self-love to yourself?
  2. When you act on the habits that help you to be the best loving version of yourself, and someone asks you, " How do you do self-love?" How do you answer? Can someone learn from your experience?
  3. How do you evolve your self-love through setting intentions? How can you keep track of areas to nurture aside from habits?

What Ignites Us

Empowering mental health and self-discovery for people with many feels


Acknowledging our current feelings, and craving the feelings we aspire to experience.


The consistency of these rituals, sparked by our candles, helps you ignite the transformative process of self-actualization and personal growth. 


Our products are not just about self-care; they are a pathway to transcend the ordinary and reach a higher state of being.

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